Countering Despair with Joy

This month’s theme is Generosity. In tumultuous times, our reptilian brains blink brightly, reminding us that all this is wrong. But joy counters that, enlivens us, and reminds us what we’re fighting for. How do we get more joy in ourselves and our communities, so we survive and thrive together? Religious Education (RE) classes are … Continue reading Countering Despair with Joy

Teaching Life

This month’s theme is Transformation. Spoken word artist and human rights activist Rafeef Siadah’s poem “We teach life, sir” has become a call to affirm life amidst devastation. What does it look like to teach life when there is so much death? Our Community Minister Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen preaches. Childcare will be available from 10:15-1:45 … Continue reading Teaching Life


This month’s theme is Transformation. Transformation: More information coming soon on today’s service! Childcare will be available in the Treehouse from 10:15-1:15, and all ages are always welcome there during events before or after the service. Children ages 4 and older are invited to come to an all-ages children’s chapel after the Time for All … Continue reading Transformation
