This month’s theme is Covenant.
Our annual celebration of the end of summer and our return to worship in our Sanctuary, Water Communion is a tradition where we bring water from our lives (maybe our house, maybe a trip we went on, maybe something else) and bring it together to represent our church community. You’re invited -bring water (we’ll also have some there) to share, and celebrate our return from summer. In addition to our annual water communion celebration, we are inviting you to bring an empty paper cup to place next to our water in solidarity with the 2 million Palestinians who have been cut off from potable water by Israel, a war crime that is being enabled by the United States government. In acknowledgement that many, including children, are dying starvation and thirst, we invite you to decorate the cup with words “water for the children,” “water for everyone,” a keffiyeh pattern or a photo of healthy Palestinian children. We will also have some cups available at the service. This is offered in conjunction with the UUs for Justice in the Middle East. Please see more about the recent Action of Immediate Witness passed at the UU General Assembly in June calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
This is a multi-generational worship service so children are invited to stay in the sanctuary. The treehouse (formally known as the nursery) will be open from 10:15-12:15 for any children 6 and under who prefer to be there during the service.
No group music programming today. Music program rehearsals will begin on Thursday, Sept 12 with choir rehearsal from 7-8pm in the sanctuary.
This month, we are sharing our offering plate with Alternatives for Community & Environment (ACE).
Join us in person in the sanctuary or online on Zoom. Please fill out this form to get the link.
Click here for the Order of Service.