Holy Chaos! No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant

This month’s theme is Pluralism.

Come enjoy the Holy Chaos! Our annual No-Rehearsal Christmas Pageant. Have you already dreamed of being a shepherd, and innkeeper, or an angel? Now’s your chance? We’ll have costumes, you are welcome to bring your own. Roles for all ages! A First Parish tradition!

This is a multi-generational worship service so children are invited to stay in the sanctuary for our Christmas pageant. The treehouse will be staffed by our childcare providers from 9:15-1:30 for any children 6 and under who prefer to be there during the service, and for children of any age during events before and after the service. 4th-6th grade OWL class will have their last class as scheduled.

This month, we are sharing our offering plate with First Parish Emergency Shelter Fund.

Join us in person in the sanctuary or online on Zoom. Please fill out this form to get the link. 

Click here for the Order of Service.