Being Pro-Abortion Rights on Mother’s Day

In the light of the leaked decision draft form the Supreme Court overturning the landmark abortion rights case Roe vs. Wade, we will faithfully express and explore why we as Unitarian Universalists are pro-abortion rights and reproductive justice. The history of Mother’s Day is one of fierce organizing and anti-war activism, and founded in part by Unitarian Julia Ward Howe. How can that history shed light on what kind of organizing is needed today to help maintain and secure the right to safe and legal abortions for all people who want them; recognizing that it’s not only many women who need them, but many transgender and non-binary folks as well. We will be sharing our offering plate with Eastern Massachusetts Abortion Fund. 

We also recognize that Mother’s Day is a complicated day for many people. Those who have had abortions, those who have struggled with infertility, those who don’t have custody of their children, those who experience estrangement; as well as those who’s mother’s have died, who have difficult relationships with their own mothers, and who don’t have a mother at all. It can also be a joyful day for mothers and those who have good and loving relationships with their mothers. We welcome and recognize you whatever your relationship to the day may be. 

Children are always welcome to stay for the whole service, however, this Sunday we will be having Children’s Chapel as a form of religious exploration for our elementary aged youth. Childcare is also available for children up to age 6. 

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