Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a sexuality education curricula that is positive, comprehensive, and age-appropriate. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, OWL provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. During the ’24-’25 school year, First Parish in Malden is offering three OWL classes:
Grade K-1 (Jan-March): This series of eight, hour-long classes will educate your child about birth, babies, bodies, and families. You will be actively involved as your child learns through songs, stories, activities, and at-home projects that promote family dialogue. (Registration coming soon)

Grades 2-3 OWL (Sept-Dec): We are adapting the K/1 curriculum for our 2nd and 3rd graders, who didn’t get an opportunity to take it when they were in those grades.
Grades 4-6 OWL (Sept-Dec): Take the mystery out of puberty! In this series of ten 75-minute workshops, OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps the youth understand the physical and emotional changes of puberty. They will explore gender, values, communication, and decision making as well as physical health and development.
We plan to offer additional courses in future years — email [email protected] for more details. For more information about the program in general, see Our Whole Lives.