Saplings (ages 4-6)
What will children be doing?

This year our 4-6 year olds will be participating in several different programs. In the fall, they are doing a unit called Head, Heart, Hands, working to understand how we care for ourselves and others. They are also learning about Unitarian Universalist shared values, discussing what it means to live our lives with qualities like love, justice, and generosity.
In the winter/spring, they will be participating in the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program. The K/1 curriculum focuses on topics like understanding family structures, different types of bodies, what is gender, consent, and how babies are made. You can read more about OWL here:

What are expectations of children?
- Lessons are drop-in style, but we encourage regular attendance and active participation.
- At the start of the church year, children will work together to write a covenant about how they will work together, and the teachers will support them in following it.
- Children must stay with their teachers at all times. If they need to talk to a family member or go to the bathroom, they must check in with one of their teachers. Children will be escorted to their family member or to the bathroom by an adult helper.
How should parents/caregivers support?

- If your child is new to Religious Education (RE) at First Parish in Malden, please accompany them to the room to fill out a visitor form. After you have come 2-3 times, we ask that all families register their child (link here). It’s free and doesn’t commit you to any particular attendance schedule, but it helps us have the information we need to keep your child safe.
- Please send your child with clothes that can get dirty, as sometimes we will be going outside (you will be notified on these days).
- We recommend eating a snack before worship begins if your child will be hungry before coffee hour.
- Please assist your child/ren in putting on their nametag when they arrive in the morning.
- All children must be checked out by an adult — after worship ends, please come pick up your child in the chapel. If you plan to go to an event after church, you will need to walk them to the nursery and check them in there.