Roots (ages 0-3) in the Treehouse
Welcome to the First Parish in Malden Treehouse
We offer professional childcare in our Treehouse (formerly known as the Nursery) for children every Sunday. The focus here is free play. Our wonderful childcare providers are always on hand to guide the play, and they teach some introductory RE rituals such as chalice lighting, singing, and sharing joys & sorrows. This is also a place for imaginative play, games, and crafts.

WHO: On Sundays when religious education classes are meeting, the treehouse is targeting children ages 0-3. However, during multi-generational services, we invite children up to 6 to the nursery, and during events before and after services children of any age may attend. We are committed to offering childcare for all church events.

WHEN: Nursery care is always open on Sundays during worship. It will also be available as early as 9:15 am on Sunday mornings when there are meetings or rehearsals before church, and until 1 or 1:15 pm if there are meetings or events after church.
- All of our staff members are certified in Pediatric CPR and First Aid and have completed a background check.
- We ask that you keep home any children who are sick so that we don’t spread illness in our community.
- If you shared medical or other needs on the registration, childcare providers have that information, but if not, please check in with them when you sign in. If your child has any medical devices, such as an inhaler or epipen, please give it to the childcare providers when you arrive.
- Please bring your child upstairs to the treehouse and sign them in. You will also be signing them out when you are leaving.
- We provide a light snack or you can bring your own. If your child has allergies please make sure it was on your RE registration form, and alert the staff if not.
- If your child may need a diaper change or toileting support, please note that when you sign in and share any particulars relating to their needs.
- If you are more comfortable keeping your little one with you during the service, children are always welcome in the service.