Parents & Caregivers

Love makes a family! Our Unitarian Universalist principles and sources are a guide for us as we promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, with the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
That is why all families matter to us at the First Parish in Malden and we embrace all types of family makeup knowing that the love that exists between parent and child or between two people is universal. Love knows no cultural boundaries and exists across all family arrangements and compositions. We welcome your participation in our community and I think that you can find a home with us.
Programming for Caregivers
This year, we will be running some new programming for parents and other caregivers to get support and figure out parenting in accordance with our UU values. Some activities to look out for, coming soon:
- Donuts and Dishing — gather before church for donuts and conversation with other parents
- Evening parenting discussion groups — we’ll meet on zoom to talk about different issues that come up relating to our spiritual life as parents.
- Parents Night Out — kids will party at the church while parents get a well deserved break.
- Family potlucks, celebrations, and adventures — having fun together builds community!

Resources & Activities for Families
Alice the Chalice: Coloring Pages & Activities for UU Kids
Meet Alice the Chalice and find UU coloring pages, activities, mazes, and YouTube films. Alice the Chalice is a UU kids resource created by UU minister Rev. Amy Freedman and UU consultant Peter Bowden.

You’re A Uni-What? This short film explores the Unitarian Universalist religion and common misperceptions people of all ages have about the UU faith tradition.
UU World Family Page – Families: Weave a Tapestry of Faith is the pullout section from UU World magazine containing stories, activities, and conversation starters for families which are drawn from Unitarian Universalist curricula and resources. All editions from 2009-2018 are available in PDF from the UUA website. The story title, topics, and parent reflection are all noted under the edition.
Family Quest: Families on a Spiritual Expedition – Family Quest is a project of the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship and offers families short videos and film clips on spiritual practices, UU identity, world religions, holidays & holy days, UU parenting, and much more.
Official UUA page on Faith Development – Explore background information, recommended books, blog posts, and curricula related to children’s faith development in Unitarian Universalism. Note that many of the recommended books can be found in the Eliot Chapel libraries.
Resource List from UU Religious educator Michelle Richards – Discover UU stories, videos, and computer games for children. Resources include a list of books arranged by UU principle, a series of videos on different UU-related topics, and a UU parenting survey.
Blue Boat of Youth Ministry – For older youth (high school) – check out this UU Blog for all things youth ministry, including YouTube clips, articles, opportunities for involvement, and much more.
UU World Parenting Blog – Parents and Family Members can explore archived editions of the UU World Parenting Blog on a variety of topics relevant to UU families and children.